A Poem by Michelle Penn

we’ve been taught to whisper who we are

we stand thigh-deep in the sea
jeans and shirts
each wielding a long shovel

we scoop up waves
fling water
over our shoulders
hack at the currents

to shore but rarely

past damage
now we take care

water weights our arms
we shovel
throw our backs into every ache
inhale the brine

and blister
battle the sun-knifed sea
certain our work
makes us worthy

Michelle Penn is the author of a book-length poem, Paper Crusade (Arachne Press, 2022), and a pamphlet, Self-portrait as a diviner, failing (Paper Swans Press, 2018). Recent poetry has appeared in The London Magazine, Stand and PN Review. Michelle plans innovative events in London as part of Corrupted Poetry. michellepennwriter.com